24 August 2010

Computer Science Is All About Windows 7 For Dummies

23 August 2010

Next Android OS Codename: Apple Pie

cc photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattmendoza

OMG Google has to do this.

With the Android OS versions getting code names like cupcake, éclair and froyo (which is, evidently, a word), the dessert namespace provides an opportunity too good to miss. Apple Pie. OM NOM NOM.

Of course the logo should be a white stylised piece of apple pie with one bite out of it. Or perhaps a rainbow version?

People, Google fanboys and Apple haters mostly, desperately want Android to DUHSHTROY iPhone in the market. Personally I don't think this is very likely. I know there are a lot of Android devices out now - more than iPhone I hear - but the fragmentation is really starting to happen. Just like MSX.

The code name of Apple Pie would trump the Eclipse Foundation's latest IDE version naming stunt, Helios, Ancient Greek for Sun, aka their competitor recently bought by Oracle who is now suing.. Google. Keeping up?

20 August 2010

Why Bookshops Always Put Computer Books With Business

It's near-universal. Especially for those bookshops with large self-help or mysticism and occult sections and no science section. Computer books are put (and often intermingled with) business books.


To me it's like always putting cycling with business. Or painting.

Yes computers are used heavily in business, but they're used just as heavily in music or movies or writing.

When I look for programming books, sometimes I'm interested in the topics that combine businesses (or the needs of an organisation) with programming - generally topics like how to translate the needs of project sponsors into deliverable systems. But way more often than that I'm interested in topics that concern the creation of software using specific techniques, paradigms, or languages and frameworks.

I like programming. I would do it more on the weekends if I had time. I don't think it has anything in common with business but it seems that many non-technically minded people assume that the only reason someone would want to do programming is for business purposes.

Well plenty of people do it for fun. Just like cycling or painting.

Posted via email from chris mountford